Tuesday, April 2, 2019

ASP.NET Application & PAGE Life Cycle

Dot Net Training in chennai is a web development platform developed by Microsoft,it has versatile features and large number of class libraries.it is used to develop web-based application.it supports many language like C#,visual basic dot net,etc.

Life Cycle of ASP NET
This Life cycle is all about the Dot Net Course in chennai:
At the time of launch the following life cycle of dot net is created,it has various stages,they are:
1)  Application Start
2)  Object Creation
3)  Http Application Creation
4)  Dispose
5)  Application End
Let’s see the various stages briefly:

1)Application Start
The Dot Net Training and placement in chennai application life cycle is start because of user request for web server for the ASP.NET application,this happens when the user is using the dot net application first time is loaded,the user goes to home page in the application and the application is started only by web server,web server only has the capability to start the application,to execute the application web server is very useful.web server also have global variables and the variables value to be set at default.

2)Object Creation
 The next level of stage is to create the object such as HttpContext,HttpRequest,and HttpResponse.this process of creation is done by Asp.Net Training in chennai web server.The HttpContext is nothing but a container for the HttpRequest & HttpResponse object.The HttpRequest object has the details about the latest request,including web application cookies and browser loading details.The HttpResponse object has the response which is sent to the user/client.

3)Http Application Creation
The Http Application creation is Best Dot Net Training in chennai created by web server.the process of Http Application creation is to process the frequent request  sent to the application.For Example,assume that we have 5 web application.one is a e-commerce application and second is news website and third is grocery list website so on,For each application the user has 2 HttpApplication object is created,If the user has any request for each sites it can be processed by individual Http Application.

In this process the request of user is deleted or disposed,this process is done before the application label is destroyed,At that time client can use this method to release the unprocessed resources individually.

5)Application End
This is the final process of the application.in this process finally the application is unprocessed from the memory.

DOT NET Page Lifecycle:
What is Dot Net Page Lifecycle?
Dot Net application is released,there are several number of series carried out,the page of Dot Net Training center in chennai is have a particular life cycle,this happens before the user get the response,these steps are listed below:
1)  Page Request
2)  Page Start
3)  Page Initialization
4)  Page Load
5)  Validation
6)  Post Back Event Handling
7)  Page Rendering

8)  unload

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